The Dead End Woods
Sanctuary was acquired by TLC from the Saint Clair County Drain
Commissioner, Fred Fuller, in December 2008. As a condition for
obtaining a wetland permit from the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality for the Huffman Drain and Bunce Creek drain
project, Fred agreed to preserve nearly 12 acres of wetland in the
Dead End Woods as mitigation by placing a conservation easement on
the property. As mitigation options were being considered, the owner
of one of the Dead End Woods parcels approached Fred with an offer
to sell the land at a reasonable price. The MDEQ confirmed the
presence of a large amount of wetland on the property and found that
it is a high quality habitat. Fred then acquired adjacent land with
additional wetland to fulfill all of the mitigation for the current
phase of the drain project. As a means of satisfying MDEQ
requirements for long-term monitoring and stewardship of the
wetland, the two Dead End Woods parcels were then transferred to the
TLC, relieving the Drain Commissioner from further responsibility
for this land.
At 44.5, the Floristic Quality Index calculated for the Dead End
Woods ranks well above 35, indicating a natural area of statewide
significance. Some higher quality or interesting species that are
not routinely encountered in natural areas of the region include
Maidenhair Fern, Spikenard, Richweed, Hazelnut, Black Ash,
Butternut, Spicebush, Tulip Tree, Cardinal Flower, Indian Pipe,
Black Gum, Sycamore, Christmas Fern, Broad-leaved Goldenrod,
Foamflower, and Eastern Hemlock.

On July
16, 2009, the TLC acquired its second nature sanctuary, the Dr. James F.
Gerrits Memorial Sanctuary, a generous donation from the late Dr.
Gerrit¡¯s wife, Lois Gerrits. The closing was held at the Law Offices of
Timothy J. Lozen, with attorney Anna Kovar and TLC executive board
members William Collins and Terry Gill present. Ullenbruch Flowers and
Gifts of Port Huron kindly donated a nice bouquet of flowers to express
our appreciation to Mrs. Gerrits.
The Gerrits Sanctuary is 38.5 acres of
southern mesic and
southern swamp forest with
old-field to the north.
Crapaud Creek
flows through the north end of the property, which is located only about
¾ mile north of Anchor Bay and Lake Saint Clair. Such coastal habitat is
critical for migratory birds and insects that move along the Great
sanctuary is located along the east boundary of the City of New
Baltimore and Macomb County in Ira Township, Saint Clair County.
Although development has taken a toll on nearby land, the forest on the
sanctuary is mature, contains many high quality woodland species, and is
part of what appears to be the largest and least fragmented forest tract
remaining along the Great Lakes coastline from Ohio north through the
Algonac area, excluding Grosse Ile near Detroit, and Walpole Island on
the Ontario side.
Gerrits was well known in Saint Clair County. He was co-pilot of a
bomber in World War II, and later a fighter and test pilot. Because of
his war experiences, he became an outspoken critic of war. He and Lois
twice voluntarily went to Vietnam in the 1960¡¯s, sponsored by the U.S.
Department of State and Catholic Church, to provide civilian medical
care to the people of both South and North Vietnam. Lois shared several
stories about those times after our closing. The TLC will feature more
about Dr. and Lois Gerrits in the future.