November 2, 2024

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It's been a busy summer and fall.........

It's been a busy summer and fall with new events, new land acquisition projects, new funding, new helpers, and new progress on stewardship. But as much as we push, the general theme in "Conservancy World" is one that my old Scoutmaster, Reginald "Jerry" Nuss, taught us in Troop 169 - "Hurry up and wait baby!" Somehow, I think he got that from the military. With that in mind, I wait, but was determined to get at least one land acquisition project done before we put out the next TLC News. We keep learning new things about "Conservancy World" and one thing is for sure; it needs a whole lot of help. Even with the best planning and preparation, most accomplishments are bogged down in bureaucratic procedure, petty distraction, indifference, complacency, and even lack of common courtesy. Given these obstacles, even if conservancies or land trusts had unlimited funding, I'm not so sure enough land could be protected soon enough to turn this world from its path of destruction. But, we keep trying. - Bill Collins, Executive Director, TLC

Article Index For This Issue:

Sanilac County Historic Village and Museum
2024 Hunting, Fishing, and Maritime Days
Port Sanilac

TLC Video Premiere
Hunting Expeditions of Oliver Hazard Perry
in the Thumb of Michigan

Loznak Sanctuary

Native Seed Collection

Dottie Craig Donation
By TLC Executive Director Bill Collins

80-Acre Shorewood Forrest Parcel Addition
To The Southern Lake Huron Coastal Park
Fort Gratiot

New TLC Land Projects

Michigan Tax Tribunal, Croissant Sanctuary

John Hardie Memorial Service
By TLC Executive Director Bill Collins

Blake Short, New TLC Board Member

New TLC Helpers

Ramsar Designation For The Saint Clair River Delta
By Teddy Wiley, TLC Program and Stewardship Assistant

LTA Membership

Canada Goldenrod - Solidago canadensis
By Amy Martinez, RN, BSN
Amy's Relation To Creation and Botanicals, Marine City

Bless a Coot… Don’t pollute!
By Tom Dennis
American Coot, Fulica Americana

You Got The Power In 2024
Save Nature Any Place! Sustain Native Animals & Plants!

TLC Fall Stewardship

Clyde Historical Society

TLC Membership

With your membership, the TLC is better enabled to protect important natural areas in our region. We offer two membership levels: Individual and Family $40, and Business $200. Members will receive our e-mail news. Membership is also available in trade for volunteer help. You can also make donations in honor or memory of someone or something. For donations of $100 or more, your name will be listed on our web site. For larger donations, please contact us for details. Make checks payable to “Thumb Land Conservancy”. Make sure you provide us with your mailing address and e-mail address. Providing a phone number is optional but helpful. Mail checks and forms to:

Thumb Land Conservancy
4975 Maple Valley Road
Marlette, Michigan 48453

You can also make a donation thru our Square link HERE

TLC Patches